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Lawyer X royal commission by the numbers | Collie Mail


* 127 days of public hearings.

* 81 witnesses appeared in person, by phone or videolink, including Nicola Gobbo, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton, former police chiefs Simon Overland, Christine Nixon and Ken Lay, senior gangland investigators Jim O’Brien and Stuart Bateson, police handlers and crooks.

* 120 additional witnesses who provided statements.

* 140 submissions from members of the public.

* 80 key international and interstate stakeholders consulted on policy and practices for handling informers with legal obligations.

* 374 notices to produce information issued by the commission.

* 145,121 documents received in response, including diaries, reports and transcripts of conversations between Ms Gobbo and police.

* 1491 exhibits tendered during public hearings.

* 1297 individuals whose cases might have been affected by Ms Gobbo’ informing. They were either represented by her or received legal advice from her.

* 32 disclosure letters have been sent to affected persons by Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions Kerri Judd QC, advising convictions may have been tainted.

* 12 people notified by Commonwealth prosecutors that their case may have been affected.

* Four appeals ongoing in Victoria’s Court of Appeal – Tony Mokbel, Rob Karam, Zlate Cvetanovski and Jan Visser.

* One conviction overturned – Faruk Orman was acquitted of the 2002 murder of Victor Peirce after a successful petition for mercy.

Australian Associated Press

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