Home / Royal Mail / Letter: Thanks for first-class support of post service

Letter: Thanks for first-class support of post service

On behalf of the 1st/2nd Parkeston Scout Group, I would like to thank all the shopkeepers who allowed us to use their premises as collection points, and the residents of Harwich, Dovercourt, Parkeston and the surrounding areas who supported this fundraising event.

We have been providing this service for more than 35 years, and I am aware that there are many people who don’t send as many cards as they used to, but we have had a busy two weeks.

Despite the service being advertised as extending to Mayes Lane, once again we received cards addressed for delivery in the villages of Little Oakley and Ramsey.

These were delivered during the period.

We also received some cards a long way outside of this boundary.

We have neither the time nor the personnel to deliver these cards but have to rely on the Royal Mail, after buying the stamps, of course.

However, we did manage to deliver correctly several cards with wrong addresses, or no address, due to local knowledge and determined investigation.

However, we still have a few, which I can only assume have been put in our boxes by mistake, as they only have names and no addresses.

This year the weather was a little unreliable and some cold wet evenings.

I would like to congratulate all the young people who worked very hard on their individual meeting nights delivering cards in the dark.

Not an easy job, I can assure you.

Also, thanks to the parents, committee members, and leaders, who gave their support to the Scout group by finding time at this very busy time of year to make this venture so successful.

A special thank you must also go to those who still help, even though their children have grown up and left the group several years ago, and some who have had no connection with the group at all.

This service could not be provided without your help.

B Mayo

Group Scout Leader

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