Home / Royal Mail / Letters to the Editor: “He wants to undermine the employees and their benefits whilst looking after the managers”

Letters to the Editor: “He wants to undermine the employees and their benefits whilst looking after the managers”

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Never mind late Christmas cards

I am not an employee of Royal Mail, never have been and never will be, plus, being a person at age 77 who gets breathless walking up a slope, will never deliver mail!

Having worked 50 years in industry, based upon my experiences, I have though been able to see what the employees of Royal Mail have and are going through!

To me, Royal Mail has served us well over many years and I would willingly support them in their possible industrial action.

If I haven’t received my gas or electricity bill on time, I can say “It must be the industrial action”!

So the Royal Mail states: “There are no grounds for industrial action. Industrial action – or the threat of it – is damaging for our business and undermines the trust of our customers. We want to reach agreement.”

What about undermining the trust of its employees and the damage that that can cause!

So they give this guy ‘Rico’ a six million pound fee after he has run a network of small parcel companies in Europe, implemented zero hours contracts and suspect conditions!

So, he is fit to run Royal Mail, give their managers a good backdated pay rise and has had no experience with unions it seems.

Seemingly he wants to undermine the employees and their benefits etc, whilst looking after the managers etc, plus gain all of the interest from his six million pound pay off and think he can run Royal Mail as he has run those small parcel companies!

No small wonder the employees are up in arms!

I fully support them even if my Christmas Cards don’t get delivered on time!

Chris Gleed, Proud Close, Purton

Very happy living in a multi-cultural society

In reply to Ann Bennett (SA, October 16) – My offensive and repugnant rant. I beg to differ.

She says I should open my eyes. May I suggest Spec Savers comes to mind regarding her reading and interpretation of my letter.

May I assure her never at any time have I ever opposed selective immigration to our island.

I have had my life saved by immigrant doctors ,surgeons and nurses on more than one occasion.

My dentist is from Sweden and I have many friends who are from ethnic minorities.

Immigrant NHS staff also helped me through the horrors of my wife’s Alzheimer’s before she passed away.

A few years ago I proposed a young Turkish lad who was an HGV driver for a visa, whom my daughter was friendly with.

May I correct her as well and inform her that I detested Hitler and the Nazi regime.

I am also a member of a charitable organisation that gives word wide help to the needy regardless of colour or creed.

I was referring to foreign gangsters , terrorists and slave traders and drug dealers flooding our shores.

Not to the many genuine hard working immigrants who have arrived here legally.

Regarding her remarks about fascism, may I assure her that many of my relatives died young, opposing and defeating fascism on foreign shores.

The permanent poppy on the front of my car may give her a hint.

May I also assure her that I am quite happy living in a multi cultural society and have been for the last seventy six years.

Finally she is entitled to her opinion regarding my letter.

But may I suggest that before she comes to firm conclusions about my mind set, that she gets her facts right first.

Bill Williams, Merlin Way, Covingham

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