Home / Royal Mail / Logistics Cos. Face 2022 Trial Over Royal Mail Fraud Charges

Logistics Cos. Face 2022 Trial Over Royal Mail Fraud Charges

Law360, London (January 7, 2021, 4:53 PM GMT) — A group of logistics companies and eight individuals connected to them will face trial in 2022 over their involvement in an alleged multimillion-pound fraud against the Royal Mail, a judge said Thursday.

Judge Joanna Korner, sitting at Southwark Crown Court, set a provisional date of May next year for the 12-week trial. The court will hear allegations brought by Royal Mail Group Ltd. that the defendants abused a self-declaration system to under-declare mail sent through the post to make unlawful profits.

The alleged fraud took place between May 2008 and May 2017, according to details of the charges published by Westminster…

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