Home / Royal Mail / London Royal Mail postman slams ‘pain in the a***e’ Christmas bows on doors

London Royal Mail postman slams ‘pain in the a***e’ Christmas bows on doors

Christmas is always a busy time for delivery services, with postmen clocking thousands of steps per day.

However, their workload is extra intense this year as more people order festive gifts and household items to their home addresses.

While lots of postmen are pleased to provide an essential service and happy to have a job in this climate, some have expressed frustrations about delivering packages in London – especially when it comes to decorations.

One Royal Mail worker, who wanted to remain anonymous, told MyLondon that festive door bows are particularly hard to deal with.

Postmen share Christmas delivery woes

The employee who has worked at the company for more than five years said: “Those big bows over the letterboxes can be a pain in the a***.

“They cover the letterboxes but still expect us to get their letters though.

“Do they want deliveries or not?”

He also revealed that he has been shouted at on more than one occasion for moving the decoration aside.

He now knocks to post letters at these addresses and said it is adding more minutes to his delivery route.

“One idiot shouted at me down the road after I moved it to the side to get the letters through. He said I had torn a bit,” he added.

Wreaths have also caused a problem

“These bell***s put them up, order lots of things and then have a go at us if they are touched.”

While he is not totally against decorations, he said his job would be much easier if people thought more carefully about placement and logistics.

“I get why people want them, just don’t put them up and shout at us – you know what I mean!”

“Or better yet, get ones that don’t block the letterbox.”

Another postman also said he has struggled with festive front doors but it wasn’t the bows that troubled him.

He commented: “Those bow things can be a bit annoying but I’ve kind of gotten used to them now.

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“People need cheering up this year… I have seen more of them about.”

He added: “I have had more of a problem with wreaths to tell you the truth.

“A couple have fallen on me after I knocked, but luckily they were quite light.”

Royal Mail has been contacted for comment.

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