Home / Royal Mail / Lovesick Royal Mail driver harassed woman at work

Lovesick Royal Mail driver harassed woman at work

A Royal Mail driver subjected a co-worker to a frightening campaign of harassment after becoming besotted with her. Michael Proctor began by giving the woman money he said he had found in a tin in his garden.

His attentions grew more alarming and included threatening to kill himself when she left the depot in Exeter for a new job in Sussex. He told her she ‘should not blame herself’ and when she did not reply to his messages contacted her mum stating his devotion to her daughter.

The victim was left emotionally exhausted and traumatised by the prolonged harassment. Proctor, aged 57, initially told police he had not done anything wrong.

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But he eventually admitted he had gone too far and pleaded guilty to harassment. The defendant, of Tower Way, Dunkeswell, was given a community order at Exeter Crown Court.

Prosecutor Mr Nigel Wraith said Proctor’s unusual behaviour began soon after the woman started work at the Royal Mail centre in Exeter in June 2019. Proctor, who already worked there as a driver, approached her as she sat in her cab and handed over an envelope and tin.

He told her it was nothing to worry about and when she looked inside found a note from Proctor saying he had discovered the tin and £200 in a field and wanted to share it with her. She thought his behaviour was inappropriate and returned the cash.

When the woman tried to raise the matter with the manager ‘not much came of it’, said Mr Wraith.

“Despite that very clear signal she was not interested in a romantic gesture he continued his unhealthy interest in her,” said the prosecutor. Proctor would arrive early when he thought she was working, would sit in her cab and even bought the same type of car as the woman.

In June 2021 she got a new job and transfer to another depot. Proctor gave her flowers and told her his heart was no longer in the job and he was resigning. He declared his love for her and said he was ‘only flesh and blood and had many needs’.

Proctor then started to send her messages saying he was going to take his own life, she also received a voice message stating the same intent. He pestered her on Facebook even though she had rejected his friend request.

Proctor then contacted the woman’s mother via email and revealed the extent of his feelings. He also sent his victim a letter saying he felt ashamed but thought she was special.

His behaviour ended in August 2021 when he was questioned by police. He said he did not realise his contact was unwanted and there was nothing sexual in his behaviour.

In a statement the victim described how she felt unsafe, seriously alarmed and degraded. She was exhausted and traumatised by his unhealthy attention.

Miss Mary McCarthy, defending, said Proctor was highly regarded at work and a ‘model driver’. She provided letters with glowing references about his previously good character and said he had given a lot of assistance in the community.

Judge Peter Johnson said Proctor had psychological issues which contributed to his behaviour. He imposed a community order to last 12 months.

“It seems for some reason when she joined the Royal Mail depot you became besotted with her,” said the judge. “She made it clear she wanted a professional working relationship.”

He said it was unlikely Proctor would trouble the courts again. He was given a restraining order not to contact the victim or her mother for 10 years. He must also do 25 days rehabilitation with probation to work on his empathy and pay £500 costs.

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