Home / Royal Mail / Man denies alleged North Hill assault which left student needing brain surgery

Man denies alleged North Hill assault which left student needing brain surgery

A man has denied beating a student and leaving him in the street with severe head injuries. Paul Martin David Roberts pleaded not guilty at Plymouth Crown Court to the charge of causing grievous bodily harm to the then 19-year-old Callum Turner in North Hill.

Roberts, of Wordsworth Crescent, is accused of an unprovoked attack on Mr Turner some time on the evening of July 17, 2021. Roberts, aged 31, is accused of striking the teen to the side of the head which resulted in Mr Turner falling to the ground with his body on the pavement and his head in the road. He denies the charge.

The incident left Mr Turner with a fractured skull and he spent a long period of time in hospital. He began to suffer seizures and underwent surgery to remove a part of his brain, the court heard.

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The court was told that as a result of his worsening condition, he was fed through a tube and was put on a ventilator. The court was previously told that Mr Turner had suffered life changing injuries.

Roberts was granted unconditional bail and the trial has been set down for three days, to be heard at Plymouth Crown Court on February 22, 2023.

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