Home / Royal Mail / Man found with indecent images of children

Man found with indecent images of children

A North Lincolnshire man was found with scores of indecent images of children along with people having sex with dogs, horses and chickens.

Sky Gray, 37, of St Botolph’s Road, Scunthorpe, admitted making indecent images of children, possession of prohibited images and extreme pornographic images.

At Grimsby Crown Court, Harry Bradford, prosecuting, said Humberside Police were provided information about the suspicion that indecent images were being downloaded at an address in Scunthorpe.

Gray was arrested at his home on August 1, 2022, when a computer, mobile phone and other devices were seized and examined.

Forensic examination showed 57 moving images of the worst category of indecent images, some involving a child aged just four years.

Scores of other images were also discovered, some which had been made into cartoon figures. The prosecutor said there were 65 moving images of people having sex with dogs, chickens and horses.

When he was interviewed by police Gray said he was asexual but later said he had searched the dark web to download images that he found sexually arousing. Mr Bradford said the images were of an extreme pornographic nature and there was discernible pain for the children involved.

For Gray, Craig Lowe said his client needed help with rehabilitation with a Maps For Change programme and said he would be willing to perform unpaid work as punishment, as an alternative to going to prison.

Judge Gurdial Singh said: “If it was not for people like you there would not be a market place and harm caused to children.” He said it had been motivated by sexual gratification and warned Gray that if there was any breach of the court order, he would go to prison.

He imposed a sentence of 12 months in prison, suspended for 18 months and ordered him to do 180 hours of unpaid work. A total of 20 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days were ordered.

He imposed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order to last for ten years, which will require him not to view such images again and make any future device available to police for inspection. The computer and phone used for the offences will be destroyed.

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