Home / Royal Mail / ‘Massive Christmas rave’ at Downing Street Facebook event gets 1.2 million RSVPs

‘Massive Christmas rave’ at Downing Street Facebook event gets 1.2 million RSVPs

More 1.2 than a million people have responded to to a spoof Christmas party event at Downing Street.

It comes amid reports of an alleged Covid rule-breaking bash at No10 last year.

The mock event has been organised on Facebook by DJ and filmmaker Jon Mancini, with over half a million indicating that they will attend.

A further 660,000 people have marked themselves as “interested!.”

“MASSIVE RAVE AT 10 DOWNING STREET,” the event description reads.

The organisers added that the “line up” includes “Boris Johnson and chums”.

The description goes on to lay out the rules for the fictitious event:

“No social distancing required. Bring Who you like. Bring your own Nibbles and drink.”

The date is set for Christmas Eve, December 24 at 6pm.

However, the organisers were quick to point out that the event was not real, presumably to ensure that hundreds of thousands of revellers don’t show up at the gates of the Prime Minister’s home.

The organisers wrote:

“** Disclaimer** Please note this event is not real and all just for humour and poking fun at the powers that be.”

The most recent allegations agains came on Saturday when The Mirror released exclusive images of Boris Johnson allegedly hosting a Christmas quiz at No10 last year.

The quiz is alleged to have taken place on December 15, when London was under Tier 2 regulations banning any social mixing between households – Mr Johnson appeared to have breached these rules by mixing with the aides


A No10 spokesman said of the new revelations: “This was a virtual quiz. Downing Street staff were often required to be in the office to work on the pandemic response so those who were in the office for work may have attended virtually from their desks.

“The Prime Minister briefly took part virtually in a quiz to thank staff for their hard work throughout the year.”

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