Home / Royal Mail / Meghan poses for pictures with Jessica Mulroney and Canadian Prime Minister’s wife Sophie Trudeau

Meghan poses for pictures with Jessica Mulroney and Canadian Prime Minister’s wife Sophie Trudeau

Meghan’s big night out with the girls: Duchess of Sussex poses for pictures with Jessica Mulroney and Canadian Prime Minister’s wife Sophie Trudeau at Soho House – four years before she returns to be closer to influential pals

Playing up to the camera on a girls’ night out, Meghan Markle poses cheek-to-cheek on a Toronto rooftop bar with her two most influential friends.

One of them, Jessica Mulroney, is married to the son of a former Canadian prime minister. 

The other, Sophie Trudeau, is married to the current one.

Meghan Markle (left) posed cheek-to-cheek on a Toronto rooftop bar with her two most influential friends. One of them, Jessica Mulroney, (right)  is married to the son of a former Canadian prime minister

The pictures, possibly from a photo booth, were taken in 2016 at the Canadian branch of fashionable private members’ club Soho House. 

They show how – having successfully penetrated Toronto’s ‘platinum elite’ – Meghan also struck up a friendship with Mrs Trudeau.

Mrs Trudeau’s husband Justin, who has been Canada’s PM since 2015, has urged his country to welcome the Sussexes, but not all are convinced. 

The pictures, possibly from a photo booth, were taken in 2016 at the Canadian branch of fashionable private members' club Soho House. Pictured: Meghan (right) with Sophie Trudeau who is married to the current Canadian prime minister

The pictures, possibly from a photo booth, were taken in 2016 at the Canadian branch of fashionable private members’ club Soho House. Pictured: Meghan (right) with Sophie Trudeau who is married to the current Canadian prime minister

Mrs Trudeau's husband Justin, who has been Canada's PM since 2015, has urged his country to welcome the Sussexes, but not all are convinced

Mrs Trudeau’s husband Justin, who has been Canada’s PM since 2015, has urged his country to welcome the Sussexes, but not all are convinced

Last week, The Globe and Mail, the country’s biggest-selling newspaper, said the couple should not live there.

Other issues are Harry and Meghan’s immigration status – as there is no provision to treat them any differently from other newcomers – and security costs, which polls say most Canadians do wish to pay.

Meghan’s friend, Jessica, married Ben Mulroney, the eldest son of former premier Brian Mulroney, in 2018.

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