Home / Royal Mail / Missing couple last seen in Dunkeld

Missing couple last seen in Dunkeld

Police are appealing for public assistance to help locate a man and woman who are missing in the Grampians.

Officers have been told the pair set off to go four-wheel driving from Oakleigh East on Friday.

It was expected they would return on Sunday evening, in time to pick up their dogs from family.

The 50-year-old man from Murrumbeena and 37-year-old woman from Oakleigh East were last seen leaving the Royal Mail Hotel at Parker Street in Dunkleld, about 11am on Sunday, 18 December.

They had previously been four-wheel-driving in the vicinity of Glenelg River Road and it is believed the couple may have ventured back into the Grampians.

Emergency services were notified late yesterday after they failed to pick up their pets and didn’t return home.

Officers are concerned for their welfare as the area is isolated, densely vegetated and the roads are boggy.

Police are also looking for their car, a blue 2018 Toyota Hilux registration LIACOS.

It is unknown whether the couple have access to food and water.

Police Air Wing along with local officers on the ground, Search and Rescue police supported by State Emergency Services personnel will be searching the area today.

Anyone who sights the pair is urged to call Triple Zero (000) or with information the community is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 000.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) may be of a point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style and length. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s).View in full here.

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