PUBLISHED: 14:02 12 February 2020 | UPDATED: 14:02 12 February 2020
A postbox in Southdown, Harpenden has gone missing. Picture: Steve Gledhill
A Royal Mail post box in Southdown has disappeared, leaving people confused.
The letter box, which was outside Manor Pharmacy, was removed this week but attempts by locals to find out where it has gone have been unsuccessful.
Steve Gledhill of Cravells Road said: “The staff in the Co-op post office had no idea it was going to be removed. The pillar box is in the centre of busy Southdown and it is essential for very many people.
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“A petition is to be started to get it reinstated. When I phoned Royal Mail they were not aware of its removal and could not help. Fresh Tarmac is the only sign to show it was ever there in the first place.”
A spokesperson for Royal Mail said: “This postbox was removed following a request from the owner of the land on which it was located.
“We are legally obliged to remove boxes on private property if we are requested to do so. We are exploring options for the relocation of this postbox and have identified a potential site nearby which we are now surveying.
“When situating a postbox in a new location, we need to undertake surveys of the location to ensure there are no underground services power cables, water and sewage pipes, telecoms cables that would prevent us digging down to install the box. In the meantime, customers can use other postboxes in the area or drop off mail at any post office branch.”