Home / Royal Mail / More than 100,000 Royal Mail workers vote on striking at Christmas

More than 100,000 Royal Mail workers vote on striking at Christmas

More than 100,000 Royal Mail workers vote on striking at Christmas and risking chaos over the festive period

  • Staff are accusing the postal company of breaching ‘the spirit and intent’ of a deal signed last year
  • Unofficial walkouts are now running at more than one a week even in rural areas
  • Members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) will vote from September

More than 100,000 Royal Mail workers are to vote on strikes that could wreak havoc with deliveries over Christmas.

Staff could stage a mass walkout during the festive period after accusing the postal company of breaching ‘the spirit and intent’ of a deal signed last year. 

The members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) will vote from September 24, with the result due in early October. 

More than 100,000 Royal Mail workers are to vote on strikes that could wreak havoc with deliveries over Christmas

The union says Royal Mail was not honouring a deal that promised pay rises, a reduction to working hours and new pension proposals.

Deputy general secretary Terry Pullinger told a CWU meeting that members should get ready for the ‘fight of your lives’. 

Unofficial walkouts are now running at more than one a week, including in rural offices not noted for militancy, said a CWU source.

Royal Mail spokesman Shane O’Riordain said: ‘We are disappointed that [CWU] have set out a ballot timetable while discussions are ongoing. 

‘We are committed to open and constructive engagement with the CWU.’    


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