Home / Royal Mail / New Royal Stoke overflow car park will help ease parking woes at peak times

New Royal Stoke overflow car park will help ease parking woes at peak times

A new overflow car park is to be built at Stoke-on-Trent’s main hospital. The land – off Hilton Road, in Hartshill – is already used as an unsurfaced parking area for the Royal Stoke University Hospital.

But now Stoke-on-Trent City Council has approved a scheme for 62 extra surfaced spaces. The news comes j after the hospital opened a 1,680-space staff multi-storey car park on the former Grindley Hill Court site on Hilton Road last year.

It means there are around 3,000 bays at the hospital although visitors are still advised to ‘allow plenty of time to find a space’ at peak times.

Approving the proposal, a council planning officer said in their report: “The Royal Stoke University Hospital has in recent years sought to address their parking situation where demand is seen as very high. This most recent proposal would seek to create an overflow car park adjacent to their current multi-storey car park located along Hilton Road to the north of the hospital site. The car park would make provision for parking for 62 cars and would be accessed from an internal link road from Hilton Road.

“This application seeks to upgrade the car park and fully incorporate this use as a permanent overflow car park for use during peak time visiting times which will also give the applicant resilience during pre-planned maintenance of the other car parks within the wider hospital site.

“Considering the existing use of the site, the principle of the creation and surfacing of this site to provide a well thought out, functional and fully marked out car park is considered acceptable.”

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