Home / Royal Mail / North Western Society of Magicians elects first female president

North Western Society of Magicians elects first female president

A MAGICAL society has had a ‘refreshing change’ with the election of its first female president.

Formed in 1915, The North Western Society of Magicians has elected its first ever female president – Ulverston’s Louise Taylor.

Louise, who has taken over from retiring President Graham Ransom, has supported the Barrow-based club for many years having been ‘dragged along’ to events over the last three decades by her magician husband Chris.

Despite supporting it for many years she only became a member in 2018 and she is delighted to have made club history in such a short space of time.

She said: “I feel really privileged to be the first female president. It makes a real refreshing change.

“I feel really proud. I’m here to support and promote the club and I’m really chuffed to bits that I was asked to be president. It does mean a lot to me, it’s really special.”

Taking presidency in her stride, she is hoping to expand the club by welcoming new members.

She said: “We are always looking for new members. It would be lovely if we could get some females too – there’s only me at the moment and I’ve been the only female for a long, long time.”

New members can attend a small number of meetings before they will be asked to perform a two-five minute long routine to be invited into the society.

The society meets every other Wednesday at the Hotel Imperial.

Louise is also hoping for a great turnout at an upcoming close-up show which will be held at the Laurel and Hardy Museum in Ulverston.

She said: “We’re here and we’re doing real magic to real people now, come and support us on May 6.

“At the end of the day everyone has had a really difficult time with lockdown and people are used to being at home.

“We want people to perform to – it’s a lovely atmosphere down there. It’s not just magic – it’s a really lovely venue and a special night.”

Tickets for the event will be released at a future date.

For more information about the society, visit: https://tinyurl.com/yfa3tucd

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