Home / Royal Mail / Norwich City legend Justin Fashanu could have road named after him in city

Norwich City legend Justin Fashanu could have road named after him in city

PUBLISHED: 06:00 25 November 2020

Former Norwich City striker Justin Fashanu who died in 1998


The name of a late Canaries legend could soon be appearing on a city street sign, after the council pledged to consider it for future housing developments.

Green Party councill Nanette Youssef has called for Justin Fashanu and other figures from Norwich's black history to have streets named after them Pic: Green Party.Green Party councill Nanette Youssef has called for Justin Fashanu and other figures from Norwich’s black history to have streets named after them Pic: Green Party.

At a meeting of Norwich City Council last night, Green Party councillor Nanette Youssef presented former striker Justin Fashanu’s name as one to be considered for future street names.

It came as she called on the council to find greater ways of celebrating the city’s black history following Black History Month in October.

In a question to cabinet member Mike Stonard, she said: “I’m sure the cabinet would agree that celebrating black history should not be confined to a single month.

“With this in mind, will the council consider naming some new roads after historical black figures from Norwich?

“I would suggest Justin Fashanu as one such person who could be remembered in this way.”

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And Mr Stonard, who is cabinet member for planning, responded by saying it was “a good suggestion”.

He said street naming was undertaken by the council’s addressing officer, who works alongside developers to come up with new names, which then has to be checked with the Royal Mail to make sure they do not create confusion with existing names.

He added: “Through the engagement process we have with developers, I will ask officers to make your suggestion to them so they can consider it.

“The council and its wholly-owned company Norwich Regeneration Ltd are also developers. The names we choose for future roads that we might develop is in our control, therefore.

“I will ask that proposals are put forward to celebrate local black history in the way you suggest as part of this for one of our future developments.”

Miss Youssef said she was looking forward to seeing Mr Fashanu – and other figures from the city’s black history – remembered in this way.

The former City striker represented the club between 1978 and 1981, having began his career there, and went on to become the first openly gay professional football player.

Calls are already being made for the striker, who took his own life in May 1998, to be immortalised with a statue at Carrow Road, with a campaign launched earlier this year.

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