PUBLISHED: 08:32 20 September 2019 | UPDATED: 08:32 20 September 2019
The family of Dale Woods (pictured with his youngest son Harry) is appealing for help to bring him back to Norwich from Cambodia, where he has been hospitalised and diagnosed with lung cancer. Picture: C/O the Woods family
C/O the Woods family
The distraught family of a man taken seriously ill in Cambodia are asking their community for help to bring him back to Norfolk.
Dale Woods become ill and was admitted to hospital earlier this month in Phnom Penh, where he moved to from Norwich around 10 years ago.
Tests revealed Mr Woods, 64, had potentially terminal lung cancer and needed urgent treatment.
His family back in Norwich is now desperately trying to raise the money needed to bring Mr Woods back to the UK for treatment, while paying for his medical care in Cambodia in the meantime.
His nephew Jason Woods, 42, has set up a Go Fund Me page with a goal of £10,000 and is coordinating the family’s fundraising efforts.
“Obviously it would cost money to treat him out there. We have just paid a bill equivalent to £1,500 and that is just going to be ongoing,” he said.
“We are all shocked and upset. Our friends have been super, they have raised £250 towards it and it has only been a couple of days.”
While the Cambodian hospital at which Mr Woods is being treated was awaiting the family’s first payment, Jason said his uncle had fallen into a coma.
He has since regained consciousness, although he is currently struggling with speech and requires more treatment before he is well enough to travel.
One of Mr Woods’ seven siblings, Phillip Woods, is travelling to Cambodia to see his brother and is expected to arrive this weekend, when the family will get an update on their beloved relative’s condition.
Jason Woods said: “They are doing more and more treatment so hopefully they can get him mobile, but we will know more once my other uncle gets there.”
Dale Woods worked with Royal Mail for many years as a postman and was stationed at the company’s Bowthorpe branch when he finished his career there.
He has two sons, Daniel and Harry, alongside the extended family of his sister and six brothers.
On the Go Fund Me page, Jason said his uncle was a “kind, gentle man who deserves help”, but that the family would struggle to fund his treatment and transport home alone.
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