PUBLISHED: 15:51 07 July 2020 | UPDATED: 16:12 07 July 2020
Chatterbox, the Norwich Talking Newspaper records its 2000th edition.
Byline: Sonya Duncan
Copyright: Archant 2018
Blind and visually impaired people in Norwich have begun receiving the latest news recordings again after 12 weeks of not doing so.
The Norwich Talking Newspaper, run by Chatterbox, has faced a challenging time over the pandemic as they tried to provide online recordings of this newspaper for users.
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Recordings were made available online, through mobile and smart speakers, with Chatterbox volunteers recording the news under duvets or in wardrobes to try and emulate the sound quality from the recording studio.
From last week, users began receiving yellow wallets containing a memory stick with the recordings, which has been delivered free by Royal Mail and will be done fortnightly.
David Potten, the acting chair of Chatterbox, said: “Once we learnt that most of our listeners were unable to access our podcasts we realised we had to take action to resume sending out memory sticks – but to find a way to do so safely.
“We hope to be able to go back to once a week recording when the crisis eases and we can make full use of our studio and offices again.”
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