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One in three finds moving home more stressful than ha…

07 January 2021


What’s life-changing, involves months of anticipation, and ends with a big arrival? You might think we’re talking about pregnancy. But research shows that nearly one in three people (28%) find moving home more stressful than childbirth. In fact, they find it more stressful than nearly anything else including getting married, job interviews, and driving tests. Who needs a newborn when you’ve got removals, utility switchovers, and insurance details to worry about?

Although some might claim this is an overreaction, and plenty find the thought of dirty nappies scarier than any amount of admin, there’s a serious point to be made here. 44% of home movers spend up to three hours just swapping their utilities over, not to mention contacting the local council and finding a new broadband provider. Many spend half an hour on the phone per utility company.

So if over half of people – 52% by our reckoning – believe that moving house is one of the most stressful life events, what aspects do they dread most? 49% found ‘packing’ to be the most stressful. It’s easy to see why. Fitting one’s life into boxes can take days. However, 27% bemoaned those dreaded conversations with energy providers. Agents can relate to this too. Dealing with utility companies at the start of a new tenancy is often the most tedious part of their day. 

It’s a good thing, therefore, that agents don’t usually get involved with the sharp end of home moves – the researching of broadband providers, Royal Mail redirects, TV licences, and insurance quotes. But when you think that more people than not give moving at least 8 out of 10 for stress then maybe they should? After all, an agent that empathises with its customers and solves their problems is an agent with a competitive advantage. 

What agents should or shouldn’t do

No home mover would expect their agent to drive the removal truck, unpack their bags, or cook them a slap-up meal for their first night in a new pad, but it’s interesting that 69% of Brits feel that agents should do more to help them. Indeed, a whopping 76% said they’d use an agent that helped them alleviate the considerable stress of moving again in the future.

Admin, including giving utility providers change of address information, is one area where agents could easily help. Research shows that going above and beyond can make a long-lasting impression. Just think about all those positive vibes and word-of-mouth referrals. Recommendations are still the most powerful marketing tool.

The problem, of course, is how agents go about this. All new services cost precious time and money to implement. And given that home moving is already a very expensive business, customers won’t exactly want to pay for extra services. So what’s the solution?

How third-party home setup services can help

If agents don’t have the resources to contact councils, talk to TV licencing, and barter with broadband providers, they could ask a third-party to do it instead. Home setup companies can handle all the pre-move paperwork and phone calls, sort out things like insurance, mail redirects and removals, whilst ensuring that home movers have a hassle-free experience.

Some companies can take admin off the agent’s hands too. Utility management services, for example, save property managers the effort of arranging occupancy notifications, meter readings and utility transfers. If agents want to free up their staff to focus on lettings, then this service should be right up their street.

Research shows that Just Move In’s Utility Management service cuts agents’ admin by as much as 90% and saves them an average of 19 hours per month (based on 250 moves per year). Imagine having that time back. If agents are already using third parties to arrange mortgage quotes and conveyancing then home setups and utility management feel like a natural next step.

Putting customers first

At the end of the day, however, it’s the customer experience that really counts. Home movers will love having a single point of contact to arrange their move-related admin. It’s good for them and therefore good for their agency. What’s more, there’s another huge advantage: home setup services can help them to save money.

When people move home they’ve got so much to think about that they usually stick with incumbent providers – at least for a while. This is rarely the best option but many home movers don’t have time to research the best deals.

Just Move In gives each customer a dedicated Move Specialist to sniff out the best tariffs for them. This saves them up to £300 on bills. But it’s not all about the money. They also weigh up the quality of service plus providers’ social and environmental impact too. The latter is becoming an increasingly important factor in how customers choose products and services.

Saving time and money is an attractive proposition at any time. However, in the midst of a global pandemic, where life is even more stressful and extra precautions are required, the appeal is greater than ever – especially when, as is the case with Just Move In, services are co-branded. In a world where home moving can be as stressful as having a baby, the birth of home setup and utility management companies could be the arrival that agents are waiting for. 


Just Move In is the UK’s No.1 rated Home Setup and Utility Management company. We enjoy making home moves simpler, save everyone time and money, and work with agents to improve their service and enhance their reputation. Please call 01202 022490 or click here for more information.

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