Home / Royal Mail / Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the misspelled word in 15 seconds | Weird | News

Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the misspelled word in 15 seconds | Weird | News

Daffodils are showing their resplendent sunny colours, and patches of grass are populated with purple crocuses. But with the temperatures outside still lending themselves to winter coat weather you would be forgiven for wondering when spring is coming. It officially started on Thursday (March 20) so warmer weather and more displays of beautiful flowers will spring up soon.

In the meantime, we have a tricky brainteaser, which is certain to get you scratching your head. All you have to do is find the incorrectly spelled word among the sea of letters in the picture above.

Looking at the picture it appears that all the words say Spring, but one of them isn’t quite right.

How quickly can you find which one it is? Casino website McLuck, which designed the brainteaser, says only people with laser-sharp focus can spot the odd one out in 15 seconds.

It is tricky because the combination of disorienting colours and repeated rows of the same word can easily deceive your brain.

Don’t worry if you haven’t worked it out yet because the answer is below.

Brainteasers like this may seem like a brief distraction, but some experts suggest doing one or two a day could have long-term benefits.

If you do them repeatedly alongside other mental exercises such as crosswords, this could help improve your brain health.

The brain is a muscle, and like other muscles in the body, it needs to be exercised. The healthier and fitter your brain is, the less likely you are to develop a neurodegenerative condition such as dementia.

While this isn’t to say that brain teasers will stop you from getting dementia, other factors play a role too, they could help keep your brain healthy.



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