Home / Royal Mail / Over 100,000 Royal Mail workers to vote on strike action

Over 100,000 Royal Mail workers to vote on strike action

More than 100,000 Royal Mail workers are set to be balloted on taking industrial action over issues including job security and employment conditions.

The Communication Workers Union (CWU), which announced the ballot, had accused Royal Mail of not honouring the “spirit and intent” of an agreement earlier this week. 

In a tweet announcing the ballot, the CWU said it “will never bow down to bullying managers”.

The CWU said an agreement to raise pay and reform pensions reached with management last year is not being honoured.

A ballot of CWU members is set to open on 24 September, with the result expected on 8 October.

The timing raises the possibility of a strike in the run up to Christmas, Royal Mail’s busiest period.

Royal Mail’s Shane O’Riordain, said: “We have not received formal notification of a ballot from CWU. We are disappointed that they have set out a ballot timetable while discussions are ongoing. We are committed to open and constructive engagement with the CWU. We all want a successful and sustainable company that provides good quality jobs, fairness in workloads, and continues delivering the Universal Service.”

Main image credit: Getty

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