Hundreds of addresses lost in post – Scotsman

Hundreds of addresses lost in postScotsman, United Kingdom –5 hours agoBy JOHN ROSS A ROYAL Mail error led to several hundred postal addresses throughout the Highlands disappearing over the past year after being removed from …Hundreds of remote homes lose their postcodesThe Heraldall 2 news articles More: continued here

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Britain's Prince Harry apologises for racist language – AFP

WELT ONLINE Britain's Prince Harry apologises for racist languageAFP –2 hours agoThe royal spokesman said: "Prince Harry used the term 'raghead' to mean Taliban or Iraqi insurgent." The prince served with the army battling Taliban …Video: Prince Harry Apologizes for Offensive RemarksAssociatedPressHarry in hot water over ‘Paki’ remarkTimes OnlineSoldier's father hits …

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