How to get what you want! – Today’s Zaman

How to get what you want!Today’s Zaman, Turkey –3 hours agoUp until more recently, you used to have to buy stamps to make official contracts complete. You would wait in long lines in government offices for these … More: continued here

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Paulson Pushes for Stimulus Deal – The Associated Press

The Associated Press Paulson Pushes for Stimulus DealThe Associated Press –1 hour agoWe may have to look at food stamps for people who are falling out of the middle class," said New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a Democratic presidential …Paulson says Senate should move fast on stimulusReutersall 509 news articles …

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Stamp of approval for donors – Sydney Morning Herald

Stamp of approval for donorsSydney Morning Herald, Australia –Jan 25, 2008Australia Post is honouring some of the country's most respected philanthropists in its 2008 release of Australian Legends stamps. …New stamps honour five philanthropistsSydney Morning HeraldCivic-minded Aussies get 8 news articles More: continued here

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