What’s been happening in your community this week

Launceston Stamp Club held its May meeting recently with 18 members in attendance. The chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the dealer for the evening Mr Rex Eccott and after the completion of the formalities introduced the speaker for the evening Mr Des Kent of Bude whose topic and display …

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We’ll deliver a turnaround or ‘go home’

Sunday 02 June 2024 2:48 pm Share Facebook Share on Facebook X Share on Twitter LinkedIn Share on LinkedIn WhatsApp Share on WhatsApp Email Share on Email Royal Mail has been the talk of the City over the last few weeks after the Czech Sphinx’s bid. The energy tycoon behind …

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Sony to snap up Queen hits in mega-money deal

Sony Music is in talks to snap up Queen’s hits for nearly €1.17bn which would mean it owns Bohemian Rhapsody, merchandising and exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute and perform the music. It is understood Sony, with a fellow investor, value the tunes at around €938m. Queen, led by Freddie Mercury, …

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