US to cut food stamps funding, as ‘wasteful’ – Pravda

Pravda US to cut food stamps funding, as 'wasteful'PravdaMeanwhile the Congress keeps passing needed legislation, that would allow them to cut funding SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the formal name for food stamps) and WIC (the Women, Infants, and Children program). The committee's …Food stamps to SNAPMichigan State University Extensionall …

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Royal Mail revenue flat; guidance unchanged – MarketWatch

Royal Mail revenue flat; guidance unchangedMarketWatchLONDON–U.K. postal services company Royal Mail PLC (RMG.LN) said Tuesday that revenue for its first quarter was unchanged from the previous year and reiterated its guidance for the coming quarters. The company, which was partially privatized in 2013, … More: continued here

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