Residents claim closure of the sorting office, which has served the area for more than 30 years, will mean a 52-mile round trip to collect a missed delivery for some people and has the potential of leaving the most vulnerable in the Dales community feeling isolated and disconnected.
Skipton MP Sir Julian Smith has said he will do what he can to reverse the decision to relocate the sorting office to the Skipton delivery office while North Yorkshire Council’s Grassington member Cllr Richard Foster, says he is asking Royal Mail to send a representative to the earliest possible meeting of North Yorkshire’s area meeting.
Royal Mail says it is planning to relocate from its very small Wharfedale office and serves just five delivery routes to the larger and dedicated delivery office in Skipton where it will be able to provide better facilities for its posties.
But Cllr Richard Foster said the office did not just serve Grassington, but also a lot of Wharfedale and Littondale.
“I’ve been told they are looking at June of July to close it, which does not give us a lot of time.It feels like the decision has already been made, without consultation. I understand the threat to the accessibility for the whole area, quality of service, and jobs.
Skipton MP Sir Julian Smith said he was doing all he could to help keep the office open.
He said: “I am very concerned by Royal Mail’s decision to close Grassington sorting office. To be axing one of the most rural offices in the country is a short-sighted decision.
“My office has already been in contact with Royal Mail for further details and I will be meeting with Royal Mail representatives and the trades union to discuss the decision and what I can do to help reverse it.”
A spokesperson for objectors said: “Our rural community relies heavily on our sorting office in Grassington.
“After 33 years, we are facing its closure – a halt that would force some of our community members to travel a daunting 52 miles round trip just to collect a parcel.
“The issue is personal to us; our mail men and women are more than mere post people, they are a vital part of our community, checking in on the elderly and the vulnerable.”
The spokesperson added: “The proposed relocation to Skipton with no parking facilities and limited opening times will restrict our options. Our elderly community often struggle with the internet to request a redelivery.
“Research shows that rural citizens, especially the elderly, rely more heavily on mail services for bills and important communication. Not only will the closure reduce our convenience, but it also risks leaving the most vulnerable among us disconnected.”
So far, 1,200 people have signed the petition since February 25.
The spokesperson added: “Every signature counters this unfair proposal. It tells the power that be we need our Royal Mail sorting office to remain open.”
A Royal Mail spokesperson said: “Our plan is to relocate to a larger, dedicated delivery office which will provide better facilities for our posties and help us provide a better service.
“Deliveries will continue as normal, with any items that cannot be delivered on the first attempt scheduled for automatic redelivery the next working day. Over 99 per cent of parcels are successfully delivered to customers on the first or second delivery attempt. Customers can also choose to have their items delivered to their local Post Office for collection.”
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