Home / Royal Mail / Plans lodged for North Staffordshire’s newest fish and chip shop

Plans lodged for North Staffordshire’s newest fish and chip shop

Plans have been put forward to open a fish and chip shop – in a former nail bar. An application has been submitted to convert the unit on Chesterton’s London Road.

The scheme put to Newcastle Borough Council is seeking permission for a change of use from a shop to a fish and chip takeaway. It has applied to open from noon until 9pm Monday to Friday and at the weekend.

That’s just one of many planning applications being made across North Staffordshire. Local authority planning officials in the city and Newcastle are considering a range of schemes around extensions and building new homes.

READ MORE: Diggers move in on site where permission for 361 homes not yet granted

Listed below are other planning applications published online by councils in Stoke on Trent and North Staffordshire during the past week.

Stoke on Trent City Council

67897/FUL: Single storey extension to the northwest elevation at Royal Mail Delivery Office, Bengry Road, Normacot, ST3 4PU

67896/FUL: Installation of telecommunications shelter enclosed within 1.8m high palisade fencing compound on land off Pound Gardens, Peascroft Road and Smithyfield Road, Norton

67876/PNH: Single storey rear extension (prior approval) at 17 Granville Avenue, Sneyd Green, ST1 6BQ

67863/FUL: Single storey rear extension at 46 Barnfield, Penkhull, ST4 5JE

67860/FUL: Alterations to shopfront (retrospective) at 96 Waterloo Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 3EX

67859/FUL: First floor rear extension at 158 Werburgh Drive, Trentham, ST4 8LQ

67850/FUL: Single storey rear extension and associated adaptations at 11 Marston Grove, Sneyd Green, ST1 6EF

67808/FUL: Single storey rear extension at 26 Renaissance Way, Barlaston, ST12 9FG

67834/FUL: Proposed part closure of Rebecca Street and erection of galvanised steel fencing and gates (retrospective) at Unit 3, Rebecca Street, Stoke, ST4 1AG

67821/FUL: Two storey side and part two storey rear extension at 47 Copplestone Grove, Longton, ST3 5UD

67820/FUL: Single storey rear and side extension at 6 St Dominics Place, Hartshill, ST4 7BQ

67819/FUL: Single storey rear extension at 8 St Dominics Place, Hartshill, ST4 7BQ

67812/FUL: Elevational alterations comprising external wall insulation to existing front, rear and side elevations at 34 Bradford Terrace, Birches Head, ST1 6LY

67802/FUL: Installation of a new 2.1m high fence fronting Bethesda Street, 4.8m high fence under the main entrance of the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery and installation of a wall with a maximum height of 2.4m in between the museum and library car park (part retrospective) at Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Bethesda Street, Hanley, ST1 3DW

67794/FUL: Reinstatement of outdoor throwing cage and erection of steel container at Northwood Stadium, Keelings Road, Hanley, ST1 6PA

67795/AD: Two 9m flag poles and one internally illuminated fascia sign at S77, St Modwen Park, Stoke South, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 4TW

67787/FUL: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on care home roof and erection of replacement battery store at Robert Knox Way, Hartshill

67783/FUL: Change of use of two dwellinghouses to form two six bedroom student flats (Use Class Sui Generis), together with erection of two storey rear extension and associated elevational alterations at 2 Grove Place and 2A Havelock Place, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 4PR

67765/FUL: Raise ridgeline of dwelling to accommodate a loft conversion, single storey front extension, first floor front extension, two storey rear extension, elevational alterations and construction of detached garage at 9 Eastwick Crescent, Trentham, ST4 8PU

67717/FUL: Erection of a temporary warehouse to existing service yard of distribution centre (part retrospective) at Glen Dimplex Home Appliances, Eastern Rise, Trentham, ST4 8WG

67377/FUL: Erection of two single storey detached dwellings on land adjacent to Bourne Street, Derry Street and Tweed Street, Heron Cross, ST4 3BE

Newcastle Borough Council

20/01103/CN07: Application for approval of a landscaping scheme as required by planning permission 20/01103/FUL – residential development of three two bed bungalows at 106 Park Road, Silverdale, ST5 6LP

20/01103/CN03: Application for approval of facing and roofing materials as required by planning permission 20/01103/FUL – Residential development of three two bed bungalows at 106 Park Road, Silverdale, ST5 6LP

22/00317/FUL: Rear wrap around extension and creation of bay window on front elevation at 9 Ashdale Rise, Clayton, ST5 4HG

22/00312/FUL: Change of use to a fish and chip takeaway at 27 London Road, Chesterton, ST5 7EA

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