Home / Royal Mail / Post box stolen for second time in month

Post box stolen for second time in month

RESIDENTS in Checkendon fear they won’t get a replacement postbox after a second one was stolen from the same spot in less than a month.

Around July 10, the second postbox was stolen, along with its cement pole, from Bradley’s Street.

The postbox is one of four in the village. After the first theft, Royal Mail installed a replacement but this, too, was removed around a week later.

Now, some residents worry that Royal Mail will not replace it for a third time.

Kay Petherick said the boxes fetched high prices online on sales websites such as eBay.

She said: “I have lived here for more than 40 years and all of a sudden, in the last three weeks, we have lost two postboxes. It’s just so annoying. In the world we live in today, it seems there is no concern for anything and people just want to make money.”

She said the original red postbox had an Elizabeth Royal (ER) crest welded on it, making it more valuable than the modern replacement. She said: “I was quite disappointed to see this very modern square but it was good that it was replaced quickly, although the pole wasn’t cemented in, so they could just take it”.

She said the first one had likely been stolen by someone who had access to a set of keys for it and that when she went to post something on the Sunday before the theft, she had noticed the door was open.

“She said: “I think any of us could have walked off with it.  I just feel they can’t get away with it. We need to do something about it, maybe put a tracker on the next box.

“It was all exciting that it was replaced. We were wondering whether we would have a grand opening, as it was still in its black wrapping.

“It’s infuriating and disheartening that someone is doing this. Is this just the beginning, as there is another box around the corner? It’s a horrible feeling somebody is doing this and I can’t think for what reason other than to sell it.”

Ms Petherick said residents were waiting for the metal plaque with times of collection to be attached to it, but that some had already put mail in it.

Royal Mail was approached for comment.

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