Home / Royal Mail / Postman Investigated After Calling Customer ‘C**t’ In Delivery Note

Postman Investigated After Calling Customer ‘C**t’ In Delivery Note

An investigation has been launched after a postman allegedly branded a customer a ‘c**t’.

Suzannah Ashton, from London, was gobsmacked when she spotted the slur on the delivery note left to show that they were unable to hand the parcel over to her.

The 53-year-old had ordered £72 of clothing from Sparkles Boutique, but became concerned when she didn’t receive anything.

After contacting the company, boutique boss Sheryl Flint pulled out a ‘proof of delivery’ notification from 13 May, which showed the location and a postman’s ‘signature’.

And it appears as though whoever delivered it typed the word ‘c**t’ into the handheld device. It’s disgusting and incredibly insulting. At the end of the day they’re meant to be Royal Mail,” said the PA.

The delivery note. Credit: Kennedy News and Media

“They work in the Queen’s name, the clue’s in the name – Royal Mail.

“At Royal Mail they have those little handheld things that they put the surname in. It’s meant to be my name, he’s put my surname as ‘c*nt’.”

Adding: “I didn’t see the ‘c*nt’ at the beginning, all I was looking for was the signature.”

Disgusted by the remark, Suzannah says she contacted Royal Mail, who informed her that the postman had been suspended.

However, she says she is yet to receive a ‘written apology or anything’ following the incident.

She believes that the note may have been an act of misplaced revenge from the postman, who was bitten by a dog back in April.

“A dog bit him about six weeks ago, [but] he’s got the wrong person,” she recalled.

“We live in little purpose-built blocks and we’ve got private gardens at the back. We were all sitting out in the garden, our private space, and the postman in question shouldn’t have been out in the garden.

“To come out of one block and go into another block via the gardens is our private property. I’ve got a dog, but it wasn’t my dog that actually bit him.”

Suzannah was 'disgusted' when she spotted the slur. Credit: Kennedy News and Media
Suzannah was ‘disgusted’ when she spotted the slur. Credit: Kennedy News and Media

And to top it all off, Suzannah says she is still yet to receive her parcel.

“My parcel is still missing, they don’t know where it is,” she said.

“I want an apology and maybe some kind of compensation as well.

“It’s unacceptable. It’s just disgraceful and unacceptable. You shouldn’t go round calling your customers c*nts.”

A Royal Mail spokesperson said: “Royal Mail expects the highest standards from our people at all times. We have commenced an investigation, which will determine whether any further action, including disciplinary action, might be taken.

“We are sorry for any offence, distress and inconvenience caused, and have been in contact with the customers involved to apologise.”

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