Her face was a picture
An expecting mum was left distraught after her own mother wrecked her gender reveal party in front of friends and family.
Soon-to-be mum-of-two Ashlee (@dinkymisspretty) was celebrating her gender reveal where family and friends eagerly awaited the popping of a balloon. While the world collectively shunned gender reveals in 2021 – largely due to the untold destruction they sometimes cause – this unborn baby’s grandmother woke up and chose violence.
@dinkymisspretty #fyp #foryou #genderrevealfail #genderreveal #genderrevealparty #mom #ROMWEnextgen ♬ Baby – Ashanti
Sharing a clip on TikTok, Ashlee is seen coated in pink confetti – so it’s a girl, right?
Well, no – because her mother had set off a separate cannon of pink confetti just as the balloon burst to reveal blue shreds of paper.
Awkwardly, Ashlee is seen overjoyed at the news – until her son tells her of her mother’s betrayal.
“Clearly you can see I wanted a girl so bad and in that moment I felt like I hit the lottery,” the mum says in the clip, adding: “Then here comes my son making me realise its really another boy. I was p***ed.”
One viewer commented: “This is the only one I can actually be okay with the parent being mad. Cause why play like that,” to which Ashlee responded: “Right, I wasn’t mad it was a boy I was mad they had me think it was a girl.”
Another added: “Now see this reaction is valid because you can’t play with a pregnant woman’s emotions like that. I’m sure you’ll have a beautiful baby boy though.”
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