Home / Royal Mail / Premier Inn cleaner on Universal Credit sacked for missing work after losing bus pass

Premier Inn cleaner on Universal Credit sacked for missing work after losing bus pass

A hotel housekeeper on universal credit was sacked from a Premier Inn after losing his bus pass, he has claimed.

Ashley Saint, 43, has slammed his former employers in the West Bromwich hotel after he was dismissed on September 10.

Mr Saint told Birmingham Live that the decision to sack him was outrageous and claims he was unable to make the 2.5-mile trip to work due to a lack of money.

“I couldn’t afford to pay for another ticket,” he said. “Me and my wife are on universal credit and money is tight.

“My wife, Rosie, usually buys a monthly bus pass for me just so I can make it to work – it even takes priority over food and bills.”

Ashley said the problems began after he had nipped into town on Friday, August 16, to get some things before his shift on Sunday but, unfortunately, left his pass on the bus.

He has vowed to appeal the decision


“When I found out I lost my pass I rang the station to find out if anyone had handed it in but it was closed over the weekend,” he added.

“I got through to the lady on the phone on Monday and she told me that my pass had been handed in but explained that it could take two or three days for it to be posted back to me.

“I rang work to explain the situation and to tell them that I could not come in. I literally couldn’t afford a ticket and I was waiting for my pass to arrive.”

Mr Saint said that he missed three days of work before receiving his bus pass on Tuesday, August 20, but did not update work on the situation as he was not due in until Friday.

However, shortly after arriving at the site he was subjected to a one-to-one meeting with his head of staff and a further two disciplinary meetings.

Some of the correspondence between Ashley and the hotel


A spokeswoman for Premier Inn said any decision to terminate a contract is never taken lightly but was unable to discuss Mr Saint’s case.

She said: “It is inappropriate to comment on individual cases. In general terms, any decision taken in the course of employment is never taken lightly and made only after following the relevant process.”

But documents, which have been obtained by Black Country Live, said it was a ‘coincidence that these events coincided with a denied holiday request’.

The letter reads: “1. Ashley has not followed company absence policy procedure, with the events that followed after losing his bus pass.

“2. During the time where he lost his bus pass and then received it, he did not make any effort after the initial call on the Saturday to inform his managers of an update and he was uncontactable.

“3. I have considered that it was a coincidence that these events coincided with his holiday request that had been declined.

Ashley claims the letter is inaccurate

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“4. The evidence tells me that there are too many inconsistencies with the version of events that Ashley has recalled and there is clear evidence from what he states that he did not make any efforts to get either to work or keep his work or managers up to date on his situation.

“5. He has shown a very negative attitude to his both his managers and his work.

“6. On the balance of probability, I do believe he lost his bus pass and had to wait to get it back, however, with Ashley’s previous issues with attendance, not reporting it correctly previously and had been made aware of the correct process and still continued to not report his absence in line with company policy, his negative attitude to his work and his managers, and hearing, Ashely says he was going to hand in his letter of resignation, I do believe this issue would occur again in the future.”

Mr Saint and his wife have said they are appealing against the decision to sack him.

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