We’ve all been there. Receiving the dreaded Royal Mail delivery note to tell you that you’ve missed your parcel and it’s gone all the way back to the depot.
But for Laura Chaisty, things were a little bit different when she and her fiance, Dale, 26, missed a delivery earlier this week.
Instead of leaving a ‘sorry we missed you’ note, her determined postal worker decided to improvise after knocking on Laura’s door and getting no answer.
When Laura arrived home later that day, she was surprised to find a message from her postie, pushed through the letterbox, reports Birmingham Live .
The note said: “Your top window was wide open, I threw it in there.”
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)
In the video, which Laura, 27, had recorded on her phone, she is heard giggling as she headed up the stairs to see where the parcel had landed.
Amazingly, the small white envelope had landed perfectly on the end of Laura’s bed, safe and sound.

(Image: Kennedy News and Media)
Laura, from Faringdon in Oxfordshire, took to Facebook to share pictures of the hilarious delivery, captioning the images: “Royal Mail have made my day today!”
The post has attracted thousands of shares with people finding it hilarious.

(Image: Kennedy News and Media)
One commented saying: “Good shot,” whilst another added, “that’s amazing.”
Laura later pointed out that the parcel was actually intended for her fiance, Dale.

(Image: Kennedy News and Media)
She wrote: “Need to add that it was Dale’s parcel, he’s annoyed that I’ve had all the shares!”
Speaking to Birmingham Live, Laura added: “The postie needs to play cricket with that aim.”