Home / Royal Mail / Ransomware group with links in Russia behind UK Royal Mail incident -Telegraph

Ransomware group with links in Russia behind UK Royal Mail incident -Telegraph

LONDON -A cyber incident that led to severe disruption to Royal Mail’s international export services was caused by Lockbit, a ransomware group which some cybersecurity experts say has members in Russia, Britain’s Telegraph newspaper reported.

Royal Mail, one of the world’s largest post and parcel firms which serves thousands of businesses, was still unable to despatch items to overseas destinations as of Thursday, according to an update on its website following the incident, which it reported on Wednesday.

To prevent a build-up of export items in its network, the British postal company, which is part of part of International Distributions Services, has advised customers not to post international export items until further notice.

Royal Mail, which declined to comment on the Telegraph report, earlier said it had engaged external experts and notified security authorities as it investigates the incident.

Britain’s Information Commissioner’s Office said it would be making enquiries, while the National Cyber Security Centre said it was working with the company and the National Crime Agency to “fully understand the impact”.

Lockbit, which some cybersecurity experts say has members in Russia, also claimed to have attacked a French cosmetics firm called Nuxe, Le Parisien newspaper reported on Thursday.

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