Home / Royal Mail / Reinstate Gary Evans! Llanelli postal workers strike to defend victimised union member

Reinstate Gary Evans! Llanelli postal workers strike to defend victimised union member

Link to this page: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/issue/1152/33208

From The Socialist newspaper, 20 October 2021

Llanelli picket line. Photo: Swansea Trades Council   (Click to enlarge)

Gareth Bromhall, Swansea and West Wales Socialist Party

Postal deliveries in Llanelli ground to a halt on 13 October when workers at Llanelli Delivery Office walked out to force Royal Mail to reinstate Gary Evans, who has been wrongfully dismissed.

Postal workers in the Communication Workers Union (CWU) at Llanelli Delivery Office had voted 98.6% for strike action in defence of Gary.

The picket line was visited throughout the morning by members of Carmarthenshire Unison, the Socialist Party, and Swansea Trades Council, all of whom received a warm welcome, and heard how the posties where determined to stand up for their fellow worker, the latest case of victimisation by Royal Mail management.

Ongoing proceedings meant the branch members couldn’t divulge the details of the charges against Gary but pointed to the high vote, and sheer number of supportive members on pickets at both entrances to the delivery office, as an indication of their support and solidarity in this case.

CWU general secretary Dave Ward called in via video later in the morning, and the message that the full weight of the union was behind Gary and the branch was well received.

The branch has announced a further 24 hours of strike action for 28 October, starting at 4am.

Any messages of solidarity to CWU South West Wales Amalgamated branch are greatly appreciated. Email [email protected]

Finance appeal

The coronavirus crisis has laid bare the class character of society in numerous ways. It is making clear to many that it is the working class that keeps society running, not the CEOs of major corporations.

The results of austerity have been graphically demonstrated as public services strain to cope with the crisis.

  • The Socialist Party’s material is more vital than ever, so we can continue to report from workers who are fighting for better health and safety measures, against layoffs, for adequate staffing levels, etc.
  • We must be ready for the stormy events ahead and the need to arm workers’ movements with a socialist programme – one which puts the health and needs of humanity before the profits of a few.

Inevitably, during the crisis we have not been able to sell the Socialist and raise funds in the ways we normally would.

We therefore urgently appeal to all our viewers to donate to our Fighting Fund.

In The Socialist 20 October 2021:

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Workplace news

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Reinstate Gary Evans! Llanelli postal workers strike to defend victimised union member

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Readers’ opinion

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