Home / Royal Mail / REIT LondonMetric Sells 4 Properties For $190M

REIT LondonMetric Sells 4 Properties For $190M

Law360 (December 20, 2019, 12:50 PM EST) — LondonMetric has sold four distribution properties in the United Kingdom for a combined £145.3 million ($189.5 million), according to an announcement from the U.K. real estate investment trust on Friday.

The REIT sold one property in Newark-on-Trent for £80.8 million as well as a pair of properties in Doncaster for £51.2 million and one asset in Rotherham for £13.3 million, and LondonMetric Property PLC described the assets as “big box warehousing” properties.

The company said an “international investor” bought the Newark property while an “overseas buyer” picked up the two Doncaster properties and a “global investor” bought the Rotherham asset….

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