Home / Royal Mail / Remainer slammed for comparing Brexit celebrations planned for January 31 to ‘Kristallnacht’

Remainer slammed for comparing Brexit celebrations planned for January 31 to ‘Kristallnacht’

Die-hard Remainer academic is slammed for comparing Brexit celebrations planned for January 31 to ‘a re-enactment of Kristallnacht’

  • Dr Mark Berry compared Brexit celebrations to Nazi terror during Kristallnacht
  • Comes after Khan gave green light to Leave Means Leave event in Westminster
  • But confusion abounds as to whether Big Ben will ring despite huge donations 
  • Parliament had rejected the proposal saying it could not afford to spend £500k 

A university lecturer has provoked outrage after comparing the planned Brexit celebrations in London to a ‘re-enactment of Kristallnacht.’

Dr Mark Berry, of Royal Holloway University, suggested that the Leave Means Leave event on January 31 was similar to the Nazi’s vicious assaults on Jewish property in 1938.

He tweeted Sadiq Khan: ‘Could you explain, please, why you have given provisional agreement to this re-enactment of Kristallnacht, @SadiqKhan? Anyone can see that this is a pogrom waiting to happen. Please reconsider.’

It comes as the row over whether Big Ben can bong on Brexit Eve descended into absurdity last night with the House of Commons Commission rejecting more than £150,000 raised by the public to fund it, The Telegraph revealed. 

The House of Commons Commission rejected more than £150,000 raised by the public to fund the bonging of Big Ben on January 31 after the House said earlier this week its chiming would be too expensive.

Dr Mark Berry, of Royal Holloway University, suggested that the Leave Means Leave event on January 31 was similar to a re-enactment of the Nazi's vicious assaults on Jewish property in 1938

Dr Mark Berry, of Royal Holloway University, suggested that the Leave Means Leave event on January 31 was similar to a re-enactment of the Nazi’s vicious assaults on Jewish property in 1938

The Commission said earlier this week its chiming would be too expensive, with costs soaring to half a million pounds after a temporary floor used during renovations had been removed. 

Last night Sir Lindsay Hoyle, who chairs the majority-Remainer Commission, stated that the cash donated on a crowd-funding site could not be accepted.

More than quarter of the £500,000 which Parliament said would be needed was raised on the GoFundMe page in less than a day after it was started by StandUp4Brexit.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson promoted the idea of a ‘bung a bob’ for the ringing of the bell, while Tory MP Mark Francois donated £1,000 to the cause.

Despite Boris Johnson's promotion of the patriotic chiming, Downing Street told the paper that he could not back a vote because there is no guarantee that works could be completed in time

Despite Boris Johnson’s promotion of the patriotic chiming, Downing Street told the paper that he could not back a vote because there is no guarantee that works could be completed in time

But Sir Lindsay told The Telegraph: ‘The decision was taken in the Commission. If somebody wants to change that decision, as I said from day one this should be the will of the House because it is political.’ 

He said a vote would be required in the Commons for any changes to Parliament’s revenue.  

And despite Mr Johnson’s promotion of the patriotic chiming, Downing Street told the paper that he could not back a vote because there is no certainty that works necessary could be completed in time. 

The confusion comes after Brexiteers reacted furiously to the Commission dismissing the planned ringing of the bell because of renovation works. 

The 13.7-tonne bell has been largely silent since 2017 during works on the Elizabeth Tower which houses it, sounding only for important events such as New Year’s Eve celebrations. 

Earlier this week the Commons Commission dismissed the proposal for it to ring on January 31 after MPs were informed that costs had soared to half a million from an original estimate of £120,000.  

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage had planned to host a lavish party in Parliament Square to watch Big Ben’s bongs on January 31 ring out.

Ten thousand Leave supporters were expected to attend but it is now unclear how the Commission’s decision will affect the plans.


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