Home / Royal Mail / Royal British Legion’s Team UK competitor on countdown to Invictus Games

Royal British Legion’s Team UK competitor on countdown to Invictus Games

His day-to-day role was varied, depending on whether he was conducting maintenance as a weapons engineer or being in a more communications-focused role receiving incoming messaging and signals on a submarine.

Adam was in the middle of a promotion course and when he was walking back to his room one day, he suddenly didn’t feel quite right, with shooting pain across the left side of his head and blurry vision.

After initially being told he had a migraine, Adam found out he’d had an intracerebral haemorrhage on his left temporal lobe.

Adam had a long road of recovery ahead of him with speech and language therapy and still struggles with cognitive headaches when trying to focus on an activity with lots of background stimuli.

CANADA BOUND: Adam Davies, 26, from Church Village in Pontypridd

Adam didn’t expect to be selected for Team UK, but is so excited for how his journey with Invictus will continue to help his recovery pathway.

Adam said: “My recovery journey has been quite isolating, and I had to stop doing a lot of the things I love, such as outdoor activities and sports.

“I’ve had a lot of being told ‘you can’t do’ something, and I didn’t like that. So this is about pushing myself to prove I can do more than I think I can.”

The Royal British Legion, in partnership with the Ministry of Defence, is proudly supporting Team UK and its 62 competitors, who are all wounded, injured and sick serving Armed Forces personnel and veterans.

The multi-generational team includes participants from all services who have been selected based on the benefits the Games in Vancouver Whistler will have on their recovery.

Adam has joined his fellow competitors, including Afghanistan and Iraq veterans who experienced life-changing injuries and illnesses, at a final training camp hosted by The Royal British Legion and MOD before Team UK departs for Canada on February 6.

Adam will compete in Nordic skiing, indoor rowing, skeleton and sitting volleyball in Canada.

Adam said of the Invictus Games: “I’m not really thinking too far ahead yet. All I’m planning to do at the moment is enjoy the experience and push myself to do as much as I can and as well as I can.

“I want to soak it all up and see where it takes me. I’m so surprised to be selected and so excited for the games.”

Royal British Legion’s Team UK manager Louise Assioun, said: “Our competitors all share something very unique – they’re all from the Armed Forces and they’ve all been through some pretty big life challenges, which can include having to deal with issues like trauma, amputations, complex PTSD and coping with the experiences of combat zones.

“There’s also something very special about the Invictus Games, which brings many nations together to compete, so it’s a great opportunity for them to be part of a team again and represent their country.

The Games are an important part of their recovery – the pride they feel in taking part can literally transform lives – and The Royal British Legion, in partnership with the MOD, is incredibly proud to support Team UK at the Invictus Games.”


The Royal British Legion and MOD have been supporting the team through their recovery journeys as they prepare for the Games, which begin with the opening ceremony on February 8.

Through the power of sport, the competition launched by The Duke of Sussex, aims to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation and generate a wider understanding and respect for those who have served their country.

The seventh Invictus Games will bring together more than 500 competitors from 23 nations and is the first to include winter sports.

Location: Pontypridd

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