Home / Royal Mail / Royal Mail changes postbox collection times in SE1

Royal Mail changes postbox collection times in SE1


Postboxes across SE1 could now have their last collection of the day as early as 9am, with just a handful of boxes still being emptied in the afternoon and evening.

Royal Mail changes postbox collection times in SE1
The postbox in Trinity Street has new plates giving details of the revised collection times

Postboxes across the area have had stickers affixed to them which say: “In order to improve efficiency we’re reviewing our mail collection arrangements and revising collection times. From 17/06/24, the final collection from this postbox will be made no earlier than 9am Monday to Friday and 7am on Saturday.”

This is part of a nationwide programme of change by Royal Mail which means that some postboxes will now be emptied by postal workers whilst out on their delivery rounds, rather than collections being made as a separate operation.

A postbox in Stamford Street has had some political graffiti added to the notice about the change to collection times, with the last collection brought forward from 6.30pm to as early as 9am

Later collection times

SE1 postboxes with later collections on weekdays include:

  • Southwark Bridge Road Post Office (not before 4pm)
  • London Bridge Post Office, Borough High Street (not before 4pm)
  • Waterloo Station (not before 4pm)
  • Westminster Bridge Road Post Office (not before 4pm*)
  • Southwark Delivery Office, Mandela Way (6.30pm)

* NB this box has a sticker giving 9am as the new final collection time, despite new plates on other nearby boxes directing users to this location for a later collection.

At the time of writing the online postbox finder on RoyalMail.com has not been updated to reflect the changes.

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