Home / Royal Mail / Royal Mail employee confirms why posties write ‘P’ on letters as Brits confused

Royal Mail employee confirms why posties write ‘P’ on letters as Brits confused

One postman has explained why Royal Mail and other delivery companies tend to put “P” on letters as some Brits were left confused. Sometimes when we receive letters, you may notice that it has a P that is circled on the outside.

Well according to a postie on Reddit, there’s a smart reason as to why it actually happens despite rumours about it being more sinister. Some people online believe the mark is there to help thieves identify which houses have expensive dogs.

One person said: “It’s what thieves use to mark your house to let others know you have expensive dogs.” But the real reason is far less worrisome, reports the Sun.

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One Reddit user explained that the “P” allows the postman to do their job correctly and efficiently. And another reiterated: “It’s the postie’s way of reminding themselves that when they come to post your letter there’s also a parcel for you.

“That’s so they don’t post your letter then find out halfway down the street they forgot to knock and give you your parcel. Or sometimes they’ll write P10 or something on the previous letter – that lets them know they have a parcel for next door (number 10) but no letter.”

Royal Mail

It comes as Royal Mail said it will hike prices on all first and second class stamps. The move comes amid a barcode shake-up. A first class stamp will soon cost 95p.

The cost of a second class stamp will go up by 2p to 68p. A statement said: “Royal Mail has considered these pricing changes very carefully in light of the long term structural decline in letter usage and rising inflation.

“Letter volumes have declined by more than 60% since their peak in 2004/5, and around 20% since the start of the pandemic.”

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