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Royal Mail issues warning to anybody who sends or receives post

Royal Mail workers have voted overwhelmingly to continue with a campaign of industrial action in a bitter dispute over pay, jobs and conditions, the Communication Workers Union announced. The warning means postal disruption is likely to sweep the UK – AGAIN.

CWU general secretary, Dave Ward, cited recent talks with the company’s chairman which offered hope of a “new process”, he said. “This vote is a historic testament to CWU members across the country who have stood firm against the most severe attacks faced by any set of workers since the miners”, he said in a statement.

“It is proof that postal workers will not accept their livelihoods being destroyed so that a few at the top can generate serious profits at their expense. It is proof that workers loyal to an historic institution like Royal Mail will not accept it being turned into an Uber-style, bog-standard gig economy employer.

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“It is proof that for Royal Mail to begin functioning normally again, there needs to be a change in negotiating approach from its leadership that recognises the depth of feeling from the workforce that make their company. These people will never be bullied, intimidated or harassed into submission, and this result is a concrete demonstration of that spirit.”

Commenting ahead of the results of the Royal Mail Group national ballot, a Communication Workers Union (CWU) spokesperson said: “Following two ballots and 18 days of strike action, Royal Mail bosses were confident they had exhausted the spirit of their workforce. But judging by the enthusiasm proudly displayed, it’s clear that posties are still standing up for themselves in a dignified, determined way.

“This should signal to Royal Mail’s top brass that they should drop their efforts to turn Royal Mail into a glorified Uber and begin treating workers with respect – everybody needs real negotiations to end this dispute, not a new wave of disruption. But no matter what happens, tomorrow’s strike ballot will be a historic event.”

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