Home / Royal Mail / Royal Mail predicts record numbers for ‘Take-back Tuesday’ – Bournemouth Echo

Royal Mail predicts record numbers for ‘Take-back Tuesday’ – Bournemouth Echo

Bridgwater Mercury

Royal Mail predicts record numbers for 'Take-back Tuesday'
Bournemouth Echo
POSTAL workers say 'Take-back Tuesday' – the first working day in the New Year – will be the busiest day for online shopping returns. According to the Royal Mail, shoppers will be rushing to send back unwanted Christmas gifts through the post. Returns
Unwanted Christmas present? Why you'll probably take it back on TuesdayBridgwater Mercury
'Take-back Tuesday': number of parcels at Post Offices expected to …Telegraph.co.uk
Busiest day of the year for online shoppers returning unwanted Christmas presentsLincolnshire Echo

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