Home / Royal Mail / Royal Mail vans line road at Romford postman’s funeral

Royal Mail vans line road at Romford postman’s funeral

6:00 AM December 19, 2021

A funeral for a popular postman saw Royal Mail vans line the entirety of the road leading up to the cemetery.  

Sean Donnelly died aged 56 on November 21 after suffering complications from sepsis.    

The much-loved postman worked in the Rise Park community for 32 years.  

The emotional service saw over 100 Royal Mail staff attend.

– Credit: Chris Paul

Sean’s mass was held at St Edward the Confessor’s Church in Romford on December 14. 

Attendees then went to his cremation at Forest Park Cemetery and Crematorium in Hainault, with over 100 Royal Mail staff lining Forest Road to the site.

His wife of 26 years, Pat Donnelly, described it as “overwhelming”.   

Sean's funeral

Sean’s funeral took place on December 14.

– Credit: Chris Paul

Pat said: “We were so proud. Vans marked the entire road. 

“We gave Sean the send off he deserved. Everything was beautiful and it was a real celebration of his life.”  

Sean's funeral

Sean’s wife, Pat, said the funeral was a “celebration of his life”.

– Credit: Chris Paul

Sean’s friend of 18 years and former colleague, Chris Paul, 53, from Romford, said the number of people at the funeral was “unbelievable”. 

Speaking of the emotional day, he said: “He deserved all of those people turning up as he has touched a lot of people throughout his life. 

“People always say someone else could come along, but I don’t think anyone else can replace him. He was a legend and will always be remembered as one.”  

Royal Mail vans

Chris said the number of people in attendance was “unbelievable”.

– Credit: Chris Paul

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