Home / Royal Mail / State pensioners urged to switch off three items at plug after losing £300 Winter Fuel Payment

State pensioners urged to switch off three items at plug after losing £300 Winter Fuel Payment

State pensioners have been urged to switch off three items and unplug them having lost the £300 Winter Fuel Allowance. Pensioners who are struggling to make ends meet amid the Cost of Living crisis have been told to make sure they are being savvier with their habits around the home.

Energy Advice Helpline have shared three of the most energy-hungry appliances “you should never leave on standby”. They noted: “By switching them off properly when not in use, you can make a big difference to your energy bill and reduce your household’s carbon footprint.”

Satellite boxes are the biggest offender and these devices often feature a standby mode, and leaving them in this low-power state can still consume a surprising amount of energy. Satellite boxes, even on standby, can be “sneaky energy drainers”.

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Desktop computers were the second offender listed by the energy pros as we head deeper into 2025. On average, a desktop computer left on standby can cost around £10 to £15 per year in electricity, the experts hjave warned.

Though this might seem like a small amount, turning off your desktop completely when you’re not using it can lead to “noticeable savings”. Games consoles were the third and final device warned to be a big offender when it comes to racking up money on bills.

They said: “ Despite laptops, TVs, and games consoles consuming relatively small amounts on their own, consumer electronics account for around 6% of your energy bill. Switching devices off standby can help you save £45 in GB and £55 in NI. But it also pays to check the energy efficiency of models.

“Sizing your TV screen appropriately will also have an effect. A 60” F-rated TV costs £40 a year to run in GB and £50 in NI. A smaller 40” F-rated TV costs £20 a year to run in GB and £25 in NI.”

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