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Stevenage celebrates the Patron Saint

Peggy Lyons INS Chair, Mayor Cllr Jim Brown, Stephen Garry Irish Embassy

THE Irish Network Stevenage once again held a hugely successful St Patrick’s Day lunch this year to celebrate the Patron Saint. As per their annual tradition they presented shamrock to the Mayor Cllr Jim Brown.

The ceremony took place on St Patricks Day, Monday 17th March 2025 at the Holiday Inn in Stevenage.

Heather Morris INS Trustee, Marie King INS Trustee, Peter Morris INS Trustee, Hilda Warwick INS Trustee, Kevin Bonavia MP, Stephen Garry Irish Embassy, Peggy Lyons INS Chair, Louise Donovan INS Trustee

NEARLY 200 guests including Kevin Bonavia MP for Stevenage, Richard Henry (leader of the council), Stephan Garry from the Irish Embassy and various Stevenage councillors and representatives from local voluntary groups enjoyed the traditional bacon and cabbage lunch followed by entertainment.

The afternoon was closed with a set of traditional dance from the Grant School of Irish Dancing.

Mayor Brown thanked INS for the support it provides to the older people in Stevenage.

Peggy Lyons, Chair, said: “As a charity, we have grown so much over the last 18 years and are now delivering activities in six different community settings throughout Stevenage.

“St  Patrick’s Day is still one of the highlights of the year. It gives us a chance to celebrate being Irish and share this with our Irish Network Family. The presentation of the Shamrock to the Mayor symbolises how important the Irish community is to Stevenage, and how important Stevenage is to us.”

Grant School of Irish Dancing with guests including Mayor and Mayoress of Stevenage, Stephen Garry Irish Embassy, Cllr Jackie Hollywell, Richard Henry Leader of the Council

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