Royal Navy to dismantle masts from sunken World War II wreck carrying 1,400 tons of unstable explosives to stop them collapsing and detonating the deadly load – which could send a 15ft tsunami tearing up the Thames Royal Navy to remove masts from a sunken World War II wreck in River …
Read More »The Duke of Kent will publish his memoir just before the Prince’s bombshell book
As first cousins they are whisper-close confidants whose lives have shared in the ups and downs of so many royal dramas — and countless family secrets. She was present at his christening in the private chapel at Buckingham Palace and eight-and-a-half decades later, when the Queen faced her first birthday parade …
Read More »No way back for Prince Andrew the outcast royal: Ghislaine Maxwell verdict changes little for prince
The guilty verdicts in New York will change little for Prince Andrew, who is a ‘busted flush’, due to his friendship with billionaire paedophile Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, according to royal experts. The jury’s confirmation that Ghislaine was the willing accomplice for the late Epstein will serve to place Andrew …
Read More »Queen’s Guardsman flattens child who stepped into his path [Video]
‘Make way!’ Moment Queen’s Guardsman flattens child who stepped into his path at the Tower of London Young child is knocked to the ground by a member of the Queen’s Guard The Guardsmen had been doing patrol when child stepped into their path The incident took place during patrol at …
Read More »Windsor Castle crossbow suspect, 19, ‘who threatened to assassinate Queen’ held ‘Royal grudge’
A teenager suspected of scaling Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow in a bid to assassinate the Queen on Christmas Day apparently festered a two year long hatred of the Royals. Jaswant Singh Chail, 19, uploaded a pre-recorded video to Snapchat vowing revenge for the 1919 Amritsar, or Jallianwala Bagh, massacre, when British troops …
Read More »Royal Mint unveils 50p and £5 crown coins to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year
Two new coins designed in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee were unveiled by the Royal Mint today. The release of the 50p and a £5 crown is the first chance for collectors to own a keepsake from the Platinum Jubilee collection. The 50p is the first of its kind …
Read More »Princess Beatrice’s husband’s ex Dara Huang celebrates Christmas with their son Wolfie in New York
Princess Beatrice’s husband Edo Mapelli Mozzi’s ex Dara Huang has celebrated Christmas in the USA with their five-year-old son Christopher, known as Wolfie. The American architect, 38, shared a rare picture of Wolfie opening presents by the tree, revealing that she felt ‘so happy’ to be able to spend the …
Read More »Princess Maria Laura of Belgium, 33, announces engagement to British investment banker William Isvy
A royal Christmas proposal! London-based Princess Maria Laura of Belgium, 33, is set to wed British investment banker William Isvy after he popped the question with a diamond and sapphire ring Princess Maria Laura of Belgium, the granddaughter of King Albert II, has announced her engagement to William Isvy, a …
Read More »The Queen revealed herself to us as she never has before, says royal biographer ROBERT LACEY
In one sense, it never really matters what the Queen actually says in her Christmas Day broadcast. The important thing is she has joined us personally for those few minutes of chat beside the fire, in the snug, round the kitchen table or wherever, inside our own homes. It’s that …
Read More »The Royal Family spend their Christmas together yet far apart due to the risk of Omicron
As the Queen acknowledged, the curse of Covid had once again upset her family’s festive plans. But just like the rest of us – separated and scattered – the Royals were determined to make the best of it yesterday. Normally the 95-year-old Monarch’s nearest and dearest descend en masse on …
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