Sharon Graham, the general secretary of Unite, has taken pole position within the trade union bureaucracy in advocating for the Labour government’s militarist agenda. Graham welcomed Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s February 25 announcement in Parliament of an increase in military spending from 2.3 percent to 2.5 percent of GDP …
Read More »UK Labour government plans savage social cuts to meet military spending demands
Britain’s Labour government is finalising massive public spending cuts to pay for an increase in military spending. On Monday Bloomberg reported, “Some UK government departments are bracing for budget cuts of as much as 11% as Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer comes under mounting pressure to plow more money into …
Read More »UK journalist Asa Winstanley raided by police over Israel-Palestine reporting
British journalist Asa Winstanley’s home in north London was raided by police Thursday morning, acting on the authority of the Terrorism Act (2006). Roughly 10 officers took part, entering the house before 6 a.m. Electronic devices were seized. A letter was then sent to Winstanley by the Counter Terrorism Command …
Read More »RMT seeks to rein in strike action by Royal Fleet Auxiliary seafarers to aid Labour government’s war agenda
The industrial dispute among uniformed civilian seafarers at the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) against historic low levels of pay and exploitative conditions by members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport workers (RMT) union is exposing the “left” pretensions of its General Secretary, Mick Lynch. The RMT leader is acting to …
Read More »Tom Scripps wins support for socialist anti-war campaign in Holborn and St Pancras, London
Follow the SEP’s campaign at Attend our London election rally on June 30. The Socialist Equality Party’s (SEP) campaign for Tom Scripps in the London constituency of Holborn and St Pancras is challenging Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, the incumbent MP, on a socialist and anti-war platform. Teams on Camden …
Read More »Royal Regina Rifles statue to be unveiled at Juno Beach to mark D-Day’s 80th year
Open this photo in gallery: A soldier stands next to the Royal Regina Rifles statue in this April 6 handout photo during a previewing ceremony at the Saskatchewan War Memorial in Regina.Brandt Industries Media Team/The Canadian Press A statue depicting the Canadians who fought Nazi Germany 80 years ago will …
Read More »UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledges to bring in National Service for 18-year-olds
Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he would introduce National Service for 18-year-olds if elected in the July 4 General Election. The plan, which would be the first stage of the conscription of the wider UK population into the Armed Forces, confirms the warning by the Socialist Equality …
Read More »Postal workers in Britain demand: Free Bogdan Syrotiuk!
The following resolution was adopted by a meeting of the Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee (UK) on Sunday May 12, 2024. It calls for the release of Ukrainian Trotskyist Bogdan Syrotiuk, an opponent of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine, who was jailed by the Zelensky regime on April 25. The World …
Read More »Labour leader Keir Starmer boasts of readiness to “kill millions of people” in nuclear war
Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has boasted that he is prepared to “kill millions of people” by using Britain’s nuclear bombs against an enemy state. He did so in an interview with ITV News during an April 12 visit to the BAE Systems shipyard in Barrow, England, where Britain’s …
Read More »US Navy destroyers can hunt subs. But a dedicated frigate is better
The Type 23 does have the Magazine Torpedo Launch System, which enabled me to lob a torpedo straight into the water next to the ship. That’s a lot, lot better than nothing (as many warships have) and I found it a comfort. But I’m a big fan of ASROC and …
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