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Take a break over the Summer Bank Holiday

With the Summer Bank Holiday fast approaching and the weather at last looking like it’s going to return to sunny days for the end of the school summer break it’s time to prepare for a busy Tuesday when you come back to work.

If you are working over the bank holiday, it’s likely that you’ll still be busy as, for many, there will be no Royal Mail or courier collections on Monday. That means organising your warehouse for a mega-shipping day on Tuesday following the Summer Bank Holiday.

In the past, hot balmy days would mean shoppers would head to the beaches and ecommerce would slow. That’s not the case these days where everyone carries the Internet in their pockets on their smartphones and impulse shopping continues unabated.

Shopping times may well change, but back to school purchases and home and garden will still be top categories. With the subdued weather we’ve seen for most of August it’s likely that many will be out tidying their gardens, mowing the grass and trimming their shrubs before the Autumn sets it.

Marketplaces are already pushing sales with the Amazon end of Summer Sale kicking in from the 22nd to the 30th of August. Amazon have been running ads on the TV to promote the sale which comes just a month after their 2-day Prime Day sale.

eBay have a raft of deals in different categories including Summer Fashion, Hot Summer Savings, and Refurbished Tech being promoted on banner ads.

Business is one thing however, and we know how hard online merchants work, so if you can pry yourself away from your computer try to have a day for yourself whether you spend it with your family or friends or get out and do something that you enjoy. This is the last bank holiday before Christmas and as soon as the summer holidays are over it’ll be time to ramp up for Q4, Black Friday and Christmas selling so get a break while you can.

Of course, marketplace insist that you still respond to buyer messages, but if there’s at least two of you in the business it’s a great idea to split the load and have at least one day over the long Summer Bank Holiday weekend when you can take turns to switch off, stop looking at emails and messages and take a proper day off.

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