Home / Royal Mail / Tik Tok trainspotter Francis Bourgeois visits ‘awesome club’ The Warehouse Project and posts up hilarious video

Tik Tok trainspotter Francis Bourgeois visits ‘awesome club’ The Warehouse Project and posts up hilarious video

TikTok sensation Francis Bourgeois, known on the social media channel as ‘Train Guy’, popped along to The Warehouse Project in Manchester last week.

Clubbers caused “a commotion” according to co-founder Sacha Lord after he showed up in his usual flat cap and got down to the music.

The well loved trainspotter took video footage in his trademark way, using his headgear complete with camera, usually used to post his iconic trainspotting videos online, and proceeded to dance enthusiastically around the club.

Francis Bourgeois visited The Warehouse Project

In his TikTok video of the event he said: “This used to be a Royal Mail sorting office, now it’s an awesome club called The Warehouse Project.”

Depot Mayfield Manchester, where Warehouse Project events take place, is a former train depot.

It was designed as a suburban train terminal and inaugurated in August 1910 by the London and North Western Railway Company. During World War II, it was attacked and destroyed in December 1940. However, it remained available to passengers until August 1960.

In 2019, Depot Mayfield launched with Manchester Pride Live and has become home to The Warehouse Project and Escape to Freight island.

Francis is known for often standing by train tracks commenting on the models and types of passing trains while videoing touring trains and train depots.

In the TikTok video posted by the Warehouse Project, the club claimed that “he had fun”.

In a post on Twitter Sacha Lord, Co-founder of the Warehouse Project, said: “We’ve had some A listers attend ⁦ @WHP_Mcr over the years…but we’ve never seen such a commotion as when Francis Bourgeois turned up this weekend.”

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