Home / Royal Mail / Truckmakers Can’t Escape EU Cartel Findings In UK Cases

Truckmakers Can’t Escape EU Cartel Findings In UK Cases

Law360, London (March 4, 2020, 5:18 PM GMT) — A tribunal in London ruled Wednesday that findings from the European Commission’s €2.93 billion ($3.25 billion) cartel settlement with multiple truck producers in 2016 are binding on several damages claims that have been brought against them in the U.K.

The Competition Appeal Tribunal said in a preliminary ruling that it would be an abuse of process and unfair to Royal Mail Group Ltd., BT Group PLC and other claimants if the truckers were allowed to deny admissions made in the commission decision. The penalty settled accusations from the commission that the companies, including subsidiaries of Volvo, Renault, Daimler AG, Iveco and…

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