Home / Royal Mail / Twenty-year sex beast wrecked victims’ lives and told one he could find their family ‘in 30 minutes’

Twenty-year sex beast wrecked victims’ lives and told one he could find their family ‘in 30 minutes’

A serial rapist shattered the lives of two women with a series of violent sex attacks spanning more than 20 years. Former Royal Mail worker Michael McEvoy raped one of them three times and forced her into sex acts she said made her feel “like a prostitute”, while he bit the second on her genitals and laughed about the vile assault as she bled.

The 62-year-old, from Station Road, Harborne, threatened to kill both if they spoke of their ordeals, telling the assault victim he could find her and her family “within 30 minutes”. Jailing him for 12 years at Birmingham Crown Court, Judge Dean Kershaw told him: “Your view was, if you wanted sex, you could have it and thought they had very little say in it.”

Both women bravely recalled their attacks during a trial. A jury found McEvoy guilty of three counts of rape and one count of buggery against one woman and a further offence of sexual assault against the other.

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Passing sentence, the judge addressed the first rape, telling McEvoy: “She made it clear she did not want to have sex with you. You climbed on top, pulled and forced her legs apart, forcefully held her down and raped her.

“You made comments to her along the lines of she wanted it to happen. You knew she didn’t.”

McEvoy “almost pretended nothing really happened” as he made himself a cup of tea afterwards, the judge said. He said the defendant carried out an act of buggery prior to the second rape during which he “stopped her from saying anything or calling out by placing your hand over her mouth”.

Describing the third incident, he said McEvoy was in a “dark mood” when he grabbed a knife and threatened the victim. Judge Kershaw told him: “You made it clear you wouldn’t kill her but you would disfigure her face with the knife.

“The effect upon her would have been devastating. She was absolutely terrified of what you might do to her.”

Birmingham Crown Court

The court was told McEvoy sexually assaulted the second woman by biting her vagina, saying it “served her right” before “sniggering” as the injury made the victim bleed and caused her pain. Judge Kershaw added: “When it came to sex your view was if you wanted sex you could have it and thought they had very little say in it.”

He said McEvoy would “compensate” his victims by buying gifts after committing the attacks. Simon Phillips, prosecuting, summarised impact statements from the two women.

The rape victim said she was “forced to do sexual things”, adding McEvoy “made me feel like a prostitute”. She also claimed he threatened to kill her and “make it look like an accident” if she disclosed what he had done, adding she felt guilty for others and wished she had reported the attacks sooner.

The second victim said McEvoy had “shattered” her life, claiming he stalked her and warned he could “find me and my family within 30 minutes”. She also described having dreams of the defendant attacking her, saying she could “taste and smell the blood” and she would imagine herself running through doors to escape and “scream but no-one listens”.

The victim said she had panic attacks and was scared to leave the house, saying she was “certain he is watching”.

Andrew Jackson, defending, argued parts of the victim impact statements made separate allegations which had not been litigated properly. He said the sentence would be McEvoy’s first term in prison and the time he had already spent in custody had a “devastating impact”.

Judge Kershaw added: “Offences such as these, which are of some age, mean the court must bear in mind that fact in itself. It’s an important fact, particularly so when faced with a defendant such as yourself that doesn’t go on to offend in similar ways leading up to the day of trial.

“But that time that has passed is only more time the victims have had to live with what you have done to them. It is very little comfort at all to the victims of sexual offences. People who are raped and sexually abused carry it with them for their life. You need to understand that’s the impact your actions have.”

McEvoy will have to serve two-thirds of his term in custody before being released on licence. Eight-year restraining orders were imposed barring him from contacting both victims.

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